Saturday, November 13, 2010

WeeklyTubeShow - Maker of Great DBZ Parodies!

Well, besides TFS and their DBZ Abridged glory, I find WeeklyTubeShow just as hilarious - plus they don't bother to censor anything. Yeap. So ffar after watching a few videos by this channel (You can find them on Youtube by the way!) I have to say they gave me the laughs I needed so much!

I'm sure you noticed that they spelt the names of the characters with a little asterisk at the first vowel in their name. For example, Piccolo is spelt P*ccolo and Krillin is spelt Kr*llin. 'Nuff said. And yes, mainly most of the vids present Piccolo, but even then, it's hilarious, because they're poking fun of DBZ - and what can make a parody even more interesting than making a comedian out of DBZ's most srs character ever?

Of course, they present many, many elements that are inappropriate for little children. And they don't make an effort to censor them because, quite obviously, their target audience is not children. One word of advice - don't watch if your little brother of 5 or little sister of 4 is in the same room with you.

All in all, give WeeklyTubeShow a try if you haven't already. Perfect for those who love a good laugh and can withstand plenty of dirty jokes.


  1. YES! akhirnya aku dah jumpe blog DGBall! :D

    Mr. Swift Currently Posted : Aku Hati Dan Otak. Bagus!

  2. Hi Mr. Swift! :D Tengkiu! Walaupun dah lama tak update, tp insya-Allah saya akan cuba cari info/video/gambar Dragon Ball yang best-best! Keep yourself updated! ;)


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